Tech Demo 2 is coming soon

I'm very satisfied with result by "Hornymon: libido". Here info what ready for tech demo 2 (I'll will call that tech demo until all main mechanic is ready).
Shop System:
Also you can buy all evolution stone for hornymons, that evo was was before, but in first tech demo you can use only water stone.
Breakable objects:
This breakable objects can be destroyed by interacting and using Hornymons moves, if you have move that need, object will be destroyed.
Cutscene improvement:
I'm also worked on cutscene editor for game, and in theory it will look more ineresting.
What I need to do before release second tech demo:
- Music and sound (your help will be good)
- New locations and quests
- New sprites for trainers
- Remade tutorial system (I've know about some users have difficulties with game control and mechanics, so i will try to make it more user friendly for understand)
- Starter hornymon choose (in original pokemon game you choose your first pokemon)
Starter Hornymons:
Also i made my Discord channel for news and you can take part in my game development (share your ideas and etc.)
Discord channel-
Get Hornymon: Libido (Tech Demo 2)
Hornymon: Libido (Tech Demo 2)
Hentai parody on pokemon game
More posts
- Tech Demo 2 is releasedMay 18, 2024
- Tech demo 2, DevlogMay 06, 2024
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Tech demo will come in end of March